de Nicéville, 1891; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 (3): 344, pl. F, f. 3 C. kirata may be known from specimens of C. arcesilaus, Fabricius, from all the localities from which I have received the latter (many parts of Assam and the Malay Peninsula, Java, and Borneo) by the much greater breadth of the deep brown bands of the underside, these becoming quite lost in the dark anal half of tht hindwing ; in C. arcesilaus the hindwing is concolorous throughout, and the bands (which are so narrow as to be lines rather than bands) are plainly visible throughout their course. AZ: In my specimens the hair pencil at the base of HWR is about twice as broad as in F. canens arcesilas. It is also a darker brown color, as opposed to ochreous-yellow in F. canens arcesilas.